About the Central Iowa Orchid Society

       The Central Iowa Orchid Society (CIOS) was formed December 5, 1960, in Des Moines, Iowa as a non-profit society.  Membership is available to all individuals who show a sincere interest in orchid culture and preservation.  Yearly dues are $15.00 for a single membership and $25.00 for a family membership.  Membership to the CIOS includes membership to the Mid-American Orchid Congress.
       Among the advantages in becoming a member or the CIOS are the use of a large library of orchid literature and videos, practical tips, helpful advice, door prizes, interesting programs on various topics related to orchid growing and preservation, displays, and judging of blooming plants, plant sales, refreshments, and lots of friendly socalizing about orchids.
       The CIOS meets at 2:00 p.m. on the first Sunday of each month (unless otherwise noted, see Meeting Dates for the date and the other location) at the Union Park Methodist Church, Des Moines.
       The CIOS is a group of orchid devotees who enjoy working with their favorite flower.  We invite you to attend our meeting and see for yourself the excitement that orchids generate.  Visitors and guests are always welcome.

Mission Statement: The Central Iowa Orchid Society's mission shall be to bring together those who are interested in the care, culture, development, improvement, promotion and preservation of all orchids in collections and in nature in order that experience and knowledge may be shared for the benefit of all.

Officers of the Central Iowa Orchid Society

  • President - Brian Johnson
  • Vice President - Maria Fedorova
  • Secretary - Ardie Strawman
  • Treasurer - Chriss Barck
  • E-Board Member (1st Year) - Jason Rauscher
  • E-Board Member (2nd Year) - Carol Lewnau
  • E-Board Member (3rd Year) - Jenny Howell
  • American Orchid Society / Orchid Digest Liaison - Maria Fedorova
  • Librarian - Chriss Barck
  • Webmaster - Carson E. Whitlow

Past Presidents:
1961-1962 Ray King
1963Ray Fisher
1964-1965Louise Cramer
1966-1967Howard Mullica
1968-1969Edward Horman
1970-1971Thomas Goettsch
1972 A. Hamilton Mason
1973-1974Lewis L. Hawkins
1975 Kenneth Rose
1976-1977Robert E. Lewis
1978 John Merkel
1979-1980David Hutson
1981-1982Alden Godwin
1983 Ray King
1984 Robert Rust
1985-1986David Brightwell
1987-1988David Johnston
1989 Frank Prochaska
1990 Greg Slaybaugh
1991 Joe Gray
1992 David Bird
1993-1994David Johnston
1995-1996Carson E. Whitlow
1997-1998Harold Hills
1999-2001Don Haugen
2002-2004David Brightwell
2005-2006Don Haugen
2007-2009Elaine Notis
2010-2012Carson E. Whitlow
2013 Mike Cherry
2014 Viroj (Roy) Songsiridej
2015 Don Haugen
2016-2019Helen Mapes
2020-2021Roy Molina
2022-2024Brian Johnson

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